Tuesday, September 24, 2013

I Tackled the Curtains this Tuesday

I recently began trying to get my house better cleaned and organized.

I still haven't written a post detailing my struggle but it's coming soon, I promise.

Today was a real breakthrough for me...I accomplished something - from beginning to end - that has always seemed like an overwhelming task.

Drumroll please...Today I took down my shower curtain AND my kitchen curtains. I washed them AND dried them...but I also hung them back up! AND I bought a new shower curtain liner and replaced it!! All these steps in one day. It may not seem like much to an orderly person but it was major for me today. I didn't think about taking pics of the progress today but I'll try to remember next time.

For a little added motivation I will link up to this great blog on Tuesdays.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! so glad to meet you. I am visiting as one of Vicki's helpers with the "Grow your Blog" party. I noticed that you have the button on the sidebar but no post with the party. Just want to encourage you to do a post pretaining to the party and invite all those new followers in.. Have a great day! Blessings!
